Chinese Basic 2

Leisure activities

(kàn) can be used with a range of things that you can watch or read
看电视 (kàn diànshì) watch TV
看电影 (kàn diànyǐng) watch movies
看书 (kànshū) read a book

(wán) has a wide range of meaning from 'playing a game', to 'having fun' to 'going out'
完游戏 (wán yóuxì) to play a game

(dǎ) is commonly used in sense of to play a game or sport
打拍 (dǎ pái) to play cards
打麻将 (dǎ májiàng) to play Majhong

(xià) 'to play' is often used with board games
下跳棋 (xià tiàoqí) to play Chinese checkers
下象棋 (xià xiàngqí) to play Chinese chess