Chinese Basic 1

Measure words

Measure words are used in noun phrases between the demonstrative and/or number and the main noun.

The order is 这/那 + Number + Measure word + Noun.
For example:
名片 (sān zhāng míngpiàn) three MEASURE WORD name cards.
名片 (zhè zhāng míngpiàn) this MEASURE WORD name card.

There are two types of measure words, some represent an actual measure, e.g. 'two cups of tea', 'a sheet of paper', others function as classifiers, that is, they indicate what kind of object the noun represents.

The most common classifier is (ge) it is used with most abstract nouns. Most concrete nouns have specific classifiers that in some way reflects the physical appearance of the noun. For example the classifier is used for objects with a flat surface like paper, tables or beds.

Classifiers are best learned together with the noun:
yī gè rén a person
名片 yī zhāng míngpiàn a name card
sān kǒu rén three people

Most measure words do not have an English equivalent unless they refer to an actual quantitative measure, as in the English 'A cup of coffee ' 咖啡 (yī bēi kafēi).