Chinese Basic 1
Ordering Food and Drink

Dropping the noun after

You have already seen as an attribute marker linking the attribute to its noun.
For example:
这是你茶。 (Zhè shì nǐ de chá.) 'This is your tea.'

When it is clear from the context what referent is intended the noun can often be dropped. So you could also say 这是你 with being understood from the context.
您的柠檬茶要热还是凉? (Nín de níngméng chá yào rè de háishi liáng de?)

This is a typical Chinese sentence with a topic (您的柠檬茶) followed by a comment on the topic (要热的还是凉的?). Literally, 'Your lemon tea, (you) want hot (tea) or cold (tea). Since it is clear from the topic that the speaker is referring to lemon tea no noun is required after . In the comment neither the subject 'you' nor the object noun 'lemon tea' are mentioned explicitly.