UH BOR Policy RP 1.210  
    Executive Policy EP 1.201  
    last revised 9-16-20; ratified by   
    UHWO Faculty Senate 9-18-20   
    download in pdf   

University of Hawaiʻi - West Oʻahu
Faculty Senate



The University of Hawaiʻi -West Oʻahu Faculty Senate is hereby established to provide both an organizational structure and formal procedures by which the faculty of the University of Hawai‘i-West O‘ahu can carry out its collective responsibilities with administrative colleagues in reviewing, recommending, and advising on matters of academic policy that affect the campus and also as a unit of the University of Hawai‘i system. It will also promote and improve communications and mutual understanding among faculty, students, administration, and the University of Hawai‘i - West Oʻahu community.


Purpose and Functions of the Faculty Senate

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Board of Regents' express policy, the Faculty Senate has the responsibility to speak for the faculty on academic policy matters by reviewing, recommending, and providing advice to the Chancellor of University of Hawaiʻi - West Oʻahu.


SECTION 2. "Policy," under this charter, means a general rule for the conduct of the campus, its faculty, student body, or administration as it affects the following areas:

  1. General educational and academic policy that affects the campus and/or its functions as a unit of the University system, including primary responsibility for curriculum content, subject matter, methods of instruction and research.

  2. Policy determining the initiation, review, and evaluation of proposed or authorized research, instructional, and academic programs.

  3. Budget planning and implementation policy.

  4. Student-faculty relations policy.

  5. Policy for the evaluation of faculty and campus academic administrative positions.

  6. Policy concerning selection procedures of candidates for campus academic administrative positions.

  7. The establishment and improvement of a canon of professional ethics and an effective means of professional maintenance of those ethics, including faculty self-discipline.

  8. Other subjects affecting academic policy matters referred to it by the Chancellor or other appropriate sources.


SECTION 3. The Senate may accept such other responsibilities as the Chancellor, the President, and the Board of Regents may delegate to it.


SECTION 4. In exercising the aforementioned functions the Senate shall make such rules, regulations, and bylaws as it may deem necessary for the fulfillment of its responsibilities.


Membership in the Faculty Senate

SECTION 1. The University of Hawai‘i - West O‘ahu Faculty Senate is a representational assembly of the University of Hawai‘i - West O‘ahu Faculty.


SECTION 2. Each voting member of the Faculty Senate, except the Chair and Vice Chair/Recorder, shall be elected by and from one of the following constituencies:

  •     Public Administration
  •     Business Administration
  •     Social Science
  •     Humanities
  •     Education
  •     Math/Science
  •     CLEAR/Creative Media/Academic Affairs Specialists/Librarians
  •     Student Affairs Specialists
  •     Lecturers


SECTION 3. All full-time and half-time Faculty who are members of Bargaining Unit 7, are entitled:

  1. to vote in constituency elections;
  2. to vote in all-faculty elections for the Senate Chair and Vice Chair/Recorder; and
  3. to be voting members of all standing and special committees of the Senate.


SECTION 4. By September 1 of each academic year, University of Hawaiʻi - West Oʻahu lecturers may nominate three UHWO lecturers to serve on the Faculty Senate as voting members, subject to confirmation by the Senate, provided that at least two (2) divisions are represented. To be eligible to serve on Senate a lecturer must teach at least 6 credits during the semester in which he or she is confirmed. The lecturer representatives may in addition be appointed to serve as voting members of standing and special committees of the Senate.


SECTION 5. The Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Vice Chancellor of Student Services and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services shall be ex-officio, non-voting participants of the Senate. The ASUHWO President shall be an ex-officio, voting participant of the Senate.



Elections and Terms of Office.

SECTION 1. Senators.

  1. Faculty within each constituency will elect one Senator for every three (or portion thereof) full-time faculty in that constituency as of August 1st of each year, except that faculty hired to temporarily replace such full-time faculty shall not be counted for the purpose of determining the number of senators to which a constituency is entitled. Those faculty elected from each constituency should represent the different academic ranks.

  2. The term of office for senators shall be two consecutive academic years except for lecturers and the ASUHWO President, those elected to fill vacancies, and senators elected mid-term when a constituency becomes entitled to one or more additional senators. The terms of all senators regardless of when they were elected, shall therefore expire before the next scheduled election for that constituency as described in part D.

  3. Lecturers shall be elected annually to one-year terms.

  4. Elections. Public Administration, Business Administration, Humanities and Math/Science Constituencies shall elect their Senate representatives in the Fall of even numbered years. Social Sciences, Education, CLEAR/Creative Media/Academic Affairs Specialists/Librarians and Student Affairs Specialists Constituencies shall elect their Senate representatives in the Fall of odd numbered years.

  5. Vacancies. In the event a Faculty Senator representing a constituency resigns, retires, takes sabbatical leave or otherwise becomes ineligible to represent that constituency for more than 3 scheduled senate meetings, a special election shall be held to fill the vacant position(s) for the remainder of the term.


SECTION 2. Chair and Vice Chair/Reorder.

  1. The Chair and Vice Chair must be full-time faculty who shall not represent nor count as representatives of any constituency.

  2. The Chair and Vice Chair shall serve for two consecutive academic years commencing on August 1 of the year they are elected and expiring two years later or when their successors are elected, after which they are not eligible for re-election to the same office for a period of at least one year.

  3. Regular election of the Chair and/or Vice Chair shall take place at the last senate meeting of the academic year in which the current Chair and Vice Chair/Recorder's terms shall expire, except in the case of a prolonged emergency which may delay the date of the regular election as determined by the Executive Committee.

  4. Vacancies.
    1. A vacancy in the position of Chair shall be filled by the Vice Chair/Recorder.

    2. A vacancy in the position of Vice Chair/Recorder shall be filled by a full-time faculty member appointed by the Senate Chair.

    3. If both the Chair and Vice Chair/Recorder positions become vacant, the Faculty Senate shall hold a special election to fill the two positions for the remainder of the term.

  5. The Chair of the Faculty Senate may appoint a parliamentarian subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee. A parliamentarian so appointed shall serve uncompensated at the discretion of the Chair.


Duties of Senate Members


The Chair of the Senate shall:

  1. Prepare the agenda for meetings by securing input from all members of the faculty and administration.

  2. Conduct the meetings.

  3. Report subject conclusions and recommendations of the meetings to the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

  4. Report back to the Senate the outcome of communications with University administration.



The Vice Chair/Recorder of the Senate shall:

  1. Take minutes of meetings.

  2. In the absence of the Chair, assume the Chair's duties and appoint a Senator to take minutes at such meetings.

  3. Keep a file of all minutes, resolutions, and memoranda.

  4. Distribute and/or electronically post minutes of meetings to members of the Senate and its committees.



Members of the Faculty Senate, except the Chair and ViceChair/Recorder shall:

  1. Serve on at least one of the Senate Standing Committees described in Article VI.



Faculty Senate Meetings

SECTION 1. All regular meetings of the Senate shall be open to all members of the campus community.

SECTION 2. At the Chair's request or upon a majority motion of the Senators present, the Senate may convene in executive session consisting only of faculty members for all or part of a scheduled meeting.

SECTION 3 Electronic Meetings. When ordered by the Chair in the call of the meeting, any regular or special Unit meeting shall be conducted by means of teleconference, videoconference, or any means of a communication technology by which all persons participating in the meeting can speak to and hear each other at the same time. Participation by such means shall constitute attendance at the meeting as long as such simultaneous communication is active and enabled.


Faculty Senate Committee Membership

SECTION 1. All committee recommendations are subject to review and ratification by the Senate. Committees must submit written reports to the Senate of all recommendations and of all actions taken. Committees will be constituted as follows:

  1. All full and half-time members of the faculty are eligible for standing, special, and subcommittee membership.

  2. Special committees may be appointed by the Faculty Senate Chair.

  3. Standing and special committee Chairs may form and appoint subcommittees.

  4. Membership on standing and special committees should represent as many constituencies and academic ranks as possible.

  5. Standing committees shall have no fewer than two voting members of the Senate, elected by their constituents and confirmed by the Senate Chair.

  6. Standing committee members will serve for two years. Terms of membership will be staggered so that each year half of the membership will be replaced, in order to provide continuity from year to year.

  7. Either the chair or vice chair of a standing committee must be a Senator. Faculty are eligible to serve as chairs or as vice chair one year after joining UHWO. They shall be nominated by the Chair of the Faculty Senate in consultation with the Vice Chair and faculty for a two year term and ratified by the committee in question. Each committee's chair shall set that committee's agenda, run monthly meetings, and report actions to the Faculty Senate.

  8. Committee vice-chairs may be elected by the membership of the committee.

  9. One member of the administrative staff may participate on a standing committee in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity and may provide advice when requested.

  10. Other individuals may be invited to attend a standing committee meeting, when appropriate and at the discretion of the committee chair.

  11. At the chair's request, or upon a majority motion of the members present, the Faculty Senate committee may convene an executive session consisting only of its faculty members for all or part of a scheduled meeting.

  12. Members who are entitled to vote in UH West Oʻahu Faculty Senate committee meetings may participate in those committee meetings by means of teleconference, videoconference, or by any means of a communication technology by which all persons participating in the meeting can speak to and hear each other at the same time. Participation by such means shall constitute attendance at the meeting so long as and for as long as such simultaneous communication is active and enabled.


Faculty Senate Standing Committees

SECTION 1. Executive Committee.

  1. Functions and Responsibilities:

    1. To act on behalf of the Faculty Senate in cases of emergency during the regular semesters and/or as needed during summer and other non-instructional periods. All actions of the Executive Committee, except as otherwise authorized by Charter or bylaw, are subject to review and ratification by the Senate at its next meeting with quorum.

    2. To consult with the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors.

    3. To set the agenda for regular and special meetings.

  2. Membership:

    1. The current Faculty Senate Chair or Senate Chair elect and Vice Chair or Vice-Chair elect.

    2. Faculty Senate standing committee Chairs or, if a committee chair is not a Senator, that committee's Vice Chair.

    3. The previous Faculty Senate Chair, who shall serve in an advisory capacity.

    4. A quorum shall consist of no fewer than 3 members in addition to the Senate Chair or Senate Chair-elect.

    5. The appointed Parliamentarian, serving ex officio as a non-voting member.

SECTION 2. Academic Affairs & Planning Committee

  1. Functions and Responsibilities:

    1. To review and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate concerning policy relating to criteria for faculty contract renewal, tenure, promotion, ethics, peer review and student evaluation of faculty.

    2. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policy relating to academic programs and faculty positions.

    3. To review and make recommendations to the Senate on matters relating to faculty development.

    4. To review and make recommendations to the Senate on matters relating to academic planning, policies and priorities, for both academic programs and staff.

    5. To consult with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

  2. Membership:

    1. No fewer than two voting members of the Senate.

    2. Membership should represent as many constituencies and academic ranks as possible.

    3. One member of the administrative staff may participate on the standing committee in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity and may provide advice when requested.

    4. Other individuals may be invited to attend a standing committee meeting as non-voting participants, when appropriate and at the discretion of the committee Chair.

    5. At the Chair's request, or upon a majority motion of the members present, the committee may convene an executive session consisting only of its faculty members for all or part of a scheduled meeting.

SECTION 3. Budget & Resources Committee.

  1. Functions and Responsibilities:

    1. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policy relating to academic program budgets, faculty release time, and faculty overloads.

    2. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policy relating to faculty travel, sabbatical leaves, and designated research grants.

    3. To review submitted proposals related to the actions noted in 3.A.2 above and to recommend their approval, modification, or disapproval.

    4. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policy relating to campus resource allocation and use.

    5. To assure that all information concerning current budgets, processes used to develop future budgets, and resource allocation is disseminated to all members of the faculty.

    6. To consult with the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services.

    7. To have one member (the Chair or designee) serve as a liaison to the administrative budget committee.

  2. Membership:

    1. No fewer than two voting members of the Senate.

    2. Membership should represent as many constituencies and academic ranks as possible.

    3. One member of the administrative staff may participate on the standing committee in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity and may provide advice when requested.

    4. Other individuals may be invited to attend a standing committee meeting as non-voting participants, when appropriate and at the discretion of the committee Chair.

    5. At the Chair's request, or upon a majority motion of the members present, the committee may convene an executive session consisting only of its faculty members for all or part of a scheduled meeting.

SECTION 4. Curriculum Committee

  1. Functions and Responsibilities:

    1. To receive, review and forward to Faculty Senate all course proposals (for example: additions, deletions, modifications) submitted by individual faculty members throughout UHWO Divisions. The Curriculum Committee addresses said course proposals with respect to course content vis-a-vis UHWO programs and other UH system curricula. Faculty are strongly advised to seek advance consultation on course proposals with their constituency representatives as well as the administration and/or the Distance Education Committee. Division Chairs are responsible to ensure that all appropriate signatures are obtained, especially for any course proposals that may in any way bear upon another program or Division. Faculty members seeking Distance Education modality must submit a separate application to the Distance Education Committee.

    2. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policy relating to program proposals (for example: additions, deletions, or modifications to existing programs); Authorizations to Plan and Program Plans (for new programs, etc.); institutional requirements; articulation agreements; dual enrollment agreements; and program reviews.

    3. To review submitted proposals, and to recommend approval, modification, or disapproval of program proposals.

    4. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policy relating to senior capstone courses (i.e., senior practica and senior projects), learning outcomes, and distance education.

    5. To consult with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

  2. Membership:

    1. No fewer than two voting members of the Senate.

    2. Membership should represent as many constituencies and academic ranks as possible.

    3. One member of the administrative staff may participate on the standing committee in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity and may provide advice when requested.

    4. Other individuals may be invited to attend a standing committee meeting as non-voting participants, when appropriate and at the discretion of the committee Chair.

    5. At the Chair's request, or upon a majority motion of the members present, the committee may convene an executive session consisting only of its faculty members for all or part of a scheduled meeting.

SECTION 5. General Education Committee

  1. Functions and Responsibilities:

    1. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policies and procedures relating to the general education program.

    2. To facilitate general education transfer and articulation within the UH system.

    3. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policies and procedures relating to general education course requirements (excluding those noted from the subcommittees in 5.A.5, below).

    4. To review submitted proposals related to the actions noted in 5.A.3 and to recommend their approval, modification, or disapproval (excluding those noted in 5.A.5, below).

    5. To receive and forward to Faculty Senate both policy and course recommendations from the semi-autonomous subcommittees (representing foundation and focus areas--Contemporary Ethical Issues (ETH), Hawaiian-Asian-Pacific (HAP), Oral Communication (OC), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Writing (W), Service Learning (SL), and others to be added in future)

    6. To consult with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and/or the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

  2. Membership:

    1. The standing committee will have no fewer than two voting members of the Senate.

    2. Standing committee membership should represent as many constituencies and academic ranks as possible.

    3. The subcommittees (ETH, HAP, OC, QR, W, SL, etc.) will select one member to serve as liaison to the standing committee standing committee. These liaisons will not be viewed as representatives of the standing committee.

    4. One member of the administrative staff may participate on the standing committee in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity and may provide advice when requested.

    5. Other individuals may be invited to attend a standing committee meeting as non-voting participants, when appropriate and at the discretion of the standing committee Chair.

    6. At the Chair's request, or upon a majority motion of the members present, the standing committee may convene an executive session consisting only of its faculty members for all or part of a scheduled meeting.

    7. Subcommittees (ETH, HAP, OC, QR, W, SL, etc.) may elect their own Chairs. Membership will consist of a maximum of three faculty who are experts in the field; other members should represent other constituencies that are significantly involved in and/or have an interest in the field. A subcommittee liaison will serve as a voting member of the standing committee.

    8. Subcommittees (ETH, HAP, OC, QR, W, SL, etc.) may undertake additional duties related to their academic area as articulated in their respective independent charters. A listing of these additional duties may be found on the Faculty Senate website.

SECTION 6. Student Affairs Committee.

  1. Functions and Responsibilities:

    1. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policy relating to student admission requirements, advising, conduct code, academic dishonesty, academic grievances, academic awards, and distinction.

    2. To make specific recommendations to the Senate for the improvement of quality educational, co-curricular, and off-campus experiences for students.

    3. To consult with the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

  2. Membership:

    1. No fewer than two voting members of the Senate.

    2. Membership should represent as many constituencies and academic ranks as possible.

    3. One member of the administrative staff may participate on the standing committee in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity and may provide advice when requested.

    4. Other individuals may be invited to attend a standing committee meeting as non-voting participants, when appropriate and at the discretion of the committee Chair.

    5. At the Chair's request, or upon a majority motion of the members present, the committee may convene an executive session consisting only of its faculty members for all or part of a scheduled meeting.

SECTION 7. Distance Education Committee.

  1. Functions and Responsibilities:

    1. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning distance education policy.
    2. To receive review, and forward to Faculty Senate all online and/or hybrid course proposals submitted by individual faculty throughout UHWO Divisions. The Distance Education Committee confines its review to issues surrounding DE modality (mode of delivery) rather than the nature of the course content. Faculty are strongly advised to seek advance consultation on DE course proposals via the Distance Education Committee Chair, UHWO Distance Education staff, and/or UHWO IT staff.
    3. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning evaluation and assessment of online courses.
    4. To support and encourage faculty use of and access to distance education resources and technology.
    5. To review and make recommendations to the Senate that will enhance the quality and impact of online learning at UH West O‘ahu.
    6. To liaise with the System's Distributed Learning Advisory Committee
    7. To consult with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Campus Director of Information Technology.

  2. Membership:

    1. No fewer than two voting members of the Senate.
    2. Membership should represent as many constituencies and academic ranks as possible.
    3. One member of the administrative staff may participate on the standing committee in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity and may provide advice when requested.
    4. Other individuals may be invited to attend a standing committee meeting as non-voting participants, when appropriate and at the discretion of the committee Chair.
    5. At the Chair's request, or upon a majority motion of the members present, the committee may convene an executive session consisting only of its faculty members for all or part of a scheduled meeting.

SECTION 8. Program Review Committee.

  1. Functions and Responsibilities:

    1. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policy relating to program review.
    2. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning evaluation and assessment of all academic programs.
    3. To support and encourage faculty to thoughtfully write a self-study on the academic schedule determined to assess the effectiveness of their program..
    4. To review and make recommendations to the Senate that will enhance the quality of academic programs at UH West O‘ahu.
    5. To work with the Program, Division Chair and VCAA to complete the program review process.

  2. Membership:

    1. No fewer than two voting members of the Senate.
    2. The Chair must be a Senator. Faculty are eligible to serve as Chair one year after joining UHWO. They may be elected by the membership of the committee. In the event the committee has not elected a Chair within the first two months of the academic year, the Executive Committee shall appoint the Chair.
    3. A Vice-Chair may be elected by the committee members.
    4. Membership should represent as many constituencies and academic ranks as possible.
    5. One member of the administrative staff may participate on the standing committee in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity.
    6. Other individuals may be invited to attend a standing committee meeting as non-voting participants, when appropriate and at the discretion of the committee Chair.
    7. At the Chair's request, or upon a majority motion of the members present, the committee may convene an executive session consisting only of its faculty members for all or part of a scheduled meeting.

SECTION 9. Sustainability Committee.

  1. Functions and Responsibilities:

    1. To review and make recommendations to the Senate concerning policy relating to the Sustainability Focus designation.
    2. To facilitate Sustainability Focus designation transfer and articulation within UH system.
    3. To receive and forward to Faculty Senate both policy and course recommendations from the semi-autonomous Sustainability Focus Designation subcommittee to craft a proposal process, review submitted proposals and to recommend their approval, modification, or disapproval.
    4. To consult with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and/or the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
    5. To make specific recommendations to the Senate for the improvement of quality educational, co-curricular, and off-campus sustainability related experiences for students.
    6. To establish a mechanism through which administrators, faculty, staff and students implement the sustainability goals in accordance with the policy established by the board of regents (BOR).
    7. To further advise in shaping goals in the areas of operations, curriculum, research, and scholarship, campus and community engagement, and cultural connections. These goals shall serve to guide the campus strategic efforts.
    8. To foster growth and strengthen applied research development support across all divisions which results in innovative programs that address sustainability in community, social, environmental and social justice issues.

  2. Membership:

    1. The standing committee will have no fewer than two voting members of the Senate.
    2. A Vice-Chair may be elected by the committee members.
    3. Membership should represent as many constituencies and academic ranks as possible.
    4. One member of the administrative staff may participate on the standing committee in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity.
    5. Other individuals may be invited to attend a standing committee meeting as non-voting participants, when appropriate and at the discretion of the committee Chair.
    6. At the Chair's request or upon a majority motion of the members present, the committee may convene an executive session consisting only of its faculty members for all or part of the scheduled meeting.



Amendment of Charter & Bylaws

All amendments to this Charter & the Bylaws must be approved by two-thirds majority of the Senate members present for the vote and, if approved, shall be sent to the Chancellor. Amendments shall become effective upon approval by the Chancellor. The Chancellor will notify the Faculty Senate Chair regarding decisions on the amendments.


Relation of This Charter to Collective Bargaining Agreement and Other Legal Decisions

Any agreement negotiated by the University of Hawai‘i, Board of Regents (BOR) with a duly authorized bargaining agent under Chapter 89 of the Hawai‘i Revised Statutes and statutes, administrative regulation, policies and procedures of the State of Hawai‘i, BOR, U.H. System, shall supersede any conflicting provisions of this Charter.


SECTION 1. Parliamentary procedure shall be governed by the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.

SECTION 2. A quorum of the Faculty Senate shall consist of a majority of the elected members and officers of the senate.

SECTION 3. Voting Procedures.

  1. Any two voting members of the faculty have the right to introduce motions or resolutions for consideration by the senate.

  2. Though discussion and debate will be open to all members of the faculty attending the meeting, only duly elected senators may vote on pending motions/resolutions.

  3. Those items of an advisory nature voted upon by the Senate shall be presented to the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs by the Chair. The Chancellor and or Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs will notify the Faculty Senate Chair regarding decisions on such matters.

  4. Where there is more than one nominee for Faculty Senate Chair and/orVice Chair, election shall be by secret ballot.

  5. Election of Faculty Senate constituency representatives as provided in Article III of the Charter shall be by secret ballot and conducted by the Faculty Senate Chair prior to September 1 or the date of the next regular Faculty Senate meeting.

  6. The Chair, Vice Chair /Recorder, and Faculty Senate constituency representatives shall be elected by plurality in the event more than two eligible nominees are running; a runoff election will only be held to break a tie.

  7. The Senate Chair may order that the election(s) of Faculty Senate constituency representatives shall be conducted using electronic ballots so long as the integrity and secrecy of the votes cast are preserved as required above.

SECTION 4. Emergency Authority of the Executive Committee

A. During times when the Executive Committee is acting pursuant to its emergency authority as authorized in Article VII of this Charter, the Executive Committee may authorize the emergency procedures listed in this section, B-D.

B. The Executive Committee may approve recommendations from the Standing Committees on behalf of the Faculty Senate.

C. The Executive Committee may approve emergency resolutions on behalf of the Faculty Senate and forward them to the Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Chancellor for approval.

D. The Faculty Senate Chair may conduct elections for Chair or Vice-Chair/Recorder of the Faculty Senate by electronic voting or other reliable means, provided the election is done by secret ballot and all voting members of the faculty are allowed to participate. Records of the elections shall be preserved by the Chair for future review if necessary.


  1. NOTICE: Proposed resolutions affecting academic policy and/or amendments to the Charter & Bylaws must be submitted electronically one week in advance of the meeting scheduled for their consideration to the Chair of the Faculty Senate, who shall circulate the proposals among all UHWO faculty.

  2. VOTING: Since only duly elected senators may vote on pending motions/resolutions (Bylaws §3), voting procedures must ensure that only the votes from duly elected senators are counted. Unless the Senate specifically adopts an order for a ballot or roll call vote on a question, voting may be done by one of the following methods as determined by the Chair:
    1. Each duly elected senator will be issued a "voting card" which the senator shall raise when called upon by the chair to express the senator's vote. At the end of each meeting, all voting cards must be returned to the custody of the Faculty Senate Chair; or
    2. Duly elected senators may vote by a show of hands but only while sitting in a separate section of the meeting room, pre-determined by the Chair, such that it is clearly and unambiguously separate from the place where any guest or person not eligible to vote may be present.
    3. In any electronic meeting, the Chair may order voting be conducted by polling (counted) or roll call (names & votes recorded in the minutes) if not by general consent

  3. DEBATE: Though discussion and debate will be open to all members of the faculty attending the meeting (Bylaws §3), all such speeches will be limited to 3 minutes.

  4. In teleconferenced meetings attendees/participants must sign in with their first and last real names; phone numbers or fictional names are not permitted. The host or presiding officer is authorized to rename participants to comply with this rule.

    5. In a teleconferenced meeting, with features comparable to ZOOM, voting members are expected to open and maintain the "participants" window open throughout the meeting and will use the features and icons there available as directed by the Chair.