Kap Culinary 2221 Continental Cuisine course banner.

Instructor Firstname Lastname

Email: <email>@hawaii.edu

Phone: <nnn-nnn-nnnn>

Office: College Hall 123A

*Email or Laulima Message is the best way to contact me. I will do my best to respond to you within 24 hours, but If you do not hear back from me please send another email or a message.

Course ALPHA #### 

<Provide the course description. Briefly explain the purpose, format, and learning outcomes of this course.>

REQUIRED Materials

<List the textbook and other materials required for the class.>

How to Get Started

Left Navigation Menu showing how to begin

  1. Begin by reading the Syllabus linked to a button in the left menu bar.
  2. After reading the Syllabus, go to START HERE FIRST to review how to navigate this class and Laulima and other important information to prepare for this online class.
  3. Then, when you are ready, go to Week 1 and start jumping in!