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2009 LRDP PPAC9-1-09
Pathways MOUs
1-2006 second_decade_data_plan-budget 4-13-06.pdf
2-2006 KCC org full set4LR 11-22-06.pdf
2- Mission-Needs-Planning-Budgeting ssl rev 8-10-11.doc
2- Mission-Needs-Planning-Budgeting ssl rev 8-10-11.docx
3-2007 KCC GenFacStaff 8-16-07.pdf
4-2007 KCC Health and Nurse Education Satellite ProgramsLR3 9-12-07.pdf
5-2007 STEM Leadership Conf 10-5-07.pdf
6-2007 Overview of KCC for DBEDT 10-15-07.pdf
7-2007 Planning at KCC - HOST ADVBD LR 11-15-07.pdf
8-2007 CHANCE2 forum fac-staff 11-30-07.pdf
9-2007 KaieieBrochureFinal internet.pdf
10-2008 Staff Council 1-8-08.pdf
11-2008 KCC Reorganization PlanIIa CEconsultation 2-5-08.pdf
12-2008 Strategic Planning - FAC and Staff 2-14-08.pdf
13-2008 KCC Student Congress update 3-20-08.pdf
14-2008 Purposeful Path Counselor 7-15-08.pdf
15-2008 DevEd keynote 9-19-20-2008.pdf
16-2008 kahikoluamea_pathways 10.08 b.pdf
17-2008 Reorg to Purposeful Path and Success StudServb11-20-08.pdf
18-2009 Elevating DevEd at KCC 1-08-09.pdf
19-2009 Counselor Pres LR 3-19-2009.pdf
20-2009 PPAC minutes rev LRDP 9-1-09.pdf
21-2009 LR Strive for Highest 11-30-09.pdf
22-2009 LRDP Informational Session w-ALL COMMENTS 12-8-09.pdf
23-2009 Elevating Developmental Ed at Kapiolani CC_ Thoughts on Our Past, Present, and Future.pdf
24-2010 Hoomii UHH-KCC_1-14-10.pdf
25-2010 LRDP All Faculty Presentation 96dpi_for KCC ed 8-19-10.pdf
26-2010 Best Practices CC at Kapiolani CC lr-f 10-1-10.pdf
27-2010 Long Range Development Plan - Next Steps lr-PPAC 10-5-10.pdf
28-2011 LR Discuss w-SSP Promote Stu ELS 1-18-11.pdf
29-2011 01-06 Convocation CompleteIV finb-rev 1-24-11.pdf
30-2011 Increase StuELS via Pathways to PPAC Final-s 2-15-11.pdf
31-2011 Pathways Overview and Update KGoya to PPAC 2-15-11.ppt