• THERE ARE A NUMBER OF FREE anti-plagiarism search tools available.... Generally, free products search the public internet. Some conduct only limited searches; few will search subscription journals, private databases, works no longer in the public internet, or other less-commonly available works. Some products will compare papers within a group to each other, to cull out similarities.
    1. WCopyfinder anti-plagiarism search tool
    2. The University of Virginia continues to offer the free WCopyfinder, which examines a set of documents-- all papers submitted by students for one assignment, for example-- and compares them with each other, looking for matching phrases. It does not search the internet.

      Source: Campus Technology Magazine, Thwarting the Copycats, Linda L. Briggs, 9/2/2008

    3. DOC Cop Anti-Plagiarism search tool
    4. The sort-of-free DOC Cop is a web-based plagiarism detection service that compares individual reports to each other or to the internet or both, then prepares a report displaying the correlations and matches it finds. Free web comparisons are limited to 75 words, and two submissions per day. The cost per use is about $4 per 2,000 words.

      Source: Campus Technology Magazine, Thwarting the Copycats, Linda L. Briggs, 9/2/2008

    5. Plagiarized.com Website
      To better understand how to recognize and combat intellectual dishonesty, instructors (and students) can visit Plagiarized.com.

      The site, which argues that plagiarism detection tools are only one approach (and one which can be bypassed by clever students), offers tips on recognizing plagiarism.

      Source: Campus Technology Magazine, Thwarting the Copycats, Linda L. Briggs, 9/2/2008

    6. Curbing Academic Dishonesty in Online Courses pdf paper

      Abstract: It is common for faculty to believe that academic dishonesty is easier and more prevalent in online courses because of the lack of direct contact with students. This paper examines research into academic dishonesty in online courses, how to prevent cheating when online testing is done, how to detect and prevent plagiarism, how to design online courses to minimize academic dishonesty, and introduces several products and educational practices for preventing dishonesty in the online environment.

    7. Improving Online Assignments to Deter Plagiarism pdf paper

      Abstract: Student plagiarism in online learning environments inhibits student learning and damages institutional reputations. Instructors may use many methods and technologies to instructors to combat plagiarism in online classrooms, including the use of plagiarism detection tools, establishing and administering academic integrity policies, developing effective education programs, and improving assessment practices. The focus of this paper is on reducing plagiarism in online learning environments by improving the design of student assignments.

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