• Manage expectations and set boundaries by stating up front what students can expect of you. The ability to access a course 24 hours a day, seven days a week may lead students to the irrational expectation that you will be online all the time and respond to them immediately. They are often not aware of the myriad responsibilities of college faculty and assume your only job is to deliver the course in which they are enrolled.  Help students understand the complex life of a college professor and they may be more appreciative of the work you do perform in delivering their class.

    This section includessample documents which you may adapt for your own course.

    1. Sample expectation statements

      This pdf document has two samples from college faculty, taken from: Building Online Learning Communities, Rena M. Palloff, Keith Pratt, 2007. 

      Feel free to adapt these statements to your class as appropriate. If you unsure as to the appropriateness of a statement you want to adopt, discuss it with a mentor, department colleague, or department chairperson.

       Note: Many faculty place these expectation statements in their course syllabi.

    2. Orientation to Online Learning at Kapi’olani Community College

      The orientation consists of a set of web pages. These pages are intended to orient students to online learning at KapCC and the pages provide the following information:

      • what it takes to be a distance learning student with interactive self-assessment
      • how to use Laulima (links to UH ITS tutorials and FAQs)
      • technical requirements for accessing course material and participating in online courses
      • what instructors expect of distance learning students (netiquette, student conduct code, etc.)
      • expectations regarding availability of online faculty

      You may add a link to this page as a Web Content tool in your Laulima site, reference it in your syllabus, or email the link to your students at the start of the semester or summer session. This site is being reviewed by faculty bodies and may be modified in the future, but the URL should remain the same.


    Several online faculty use other websites to deliver instruction. For those courses, we've duplicated the orientation pages but left out the Laulima tutorials/links. The URL is http://faculty.kcc.hawaii.edu/orientation2

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