• What Is A Rubric?

    A rubric defines the performance levels for each element of a gradable activity.  The creation of rubrics can be very time-consuming, but is worth the effort. Nancy Pickett and Bernie Dodge have a great website that defines a rubric and explains why a rubric is important.

    Why Use A Rubric?

    Expectations held by both teachers and students are better met when evaluation criteria is presented at the time a task is assigned.  A rubric clearly states the expectations for the activity and the effort required by the student to achieve a desired score. [adapted from Engaging the Online Learner]

    Discussion Activity Rubrics

    Soliciting student responses to discussion posts is a common activity in online courses, but assessing the quality of those responses can be challenging for instructors.  Students find the activity especially challenging when they do not know what standards are being used to evaluate their responses.  Students  may generate more thoughtful responses when given guidance through rubrics. This section contains several models and examples from online faculty; feel free to adapt them for your own courses.

    1. Example rubric for asynchronous discussion contributions

      This rubric uses a scale of 0(unacceptable) to 3(outstanding).

      Source: Teaching and Learning at a Distance, Michael Simonson, Sharon Smaldino, Michael Albright, Susan Zvacek, 2006

    2. Online Discussions Rubric

      This rubric is for a class in which students discuss and practice supporting a written viewpoint, and to share responses with others.  For each instructional unit, they post three to five responses; this rubric is used to assess both the quantity and quality of responses.

      Source: Engagement for Online and Face‐to‐Face Learners Through Online Discussion Practices, Alice Bedard‐Voorhees, 2005

    3. Sample Rubric for Final Class Discussion Grade
      This sample grading rubric was taken from the course "Student Assessment in Online Courses," a component of the Making the Virtual Classroom a Reality series of online faculty development courses offered through the University of Illinois Online Department (http://www.mvcr.org).
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