• Instructional faculty are sometimes the only contact a student has with an institution. To help your students receive support from your institution, we recommend that you provide links to your campus' Student Services information.

    This section contains information that may be relevant to your students. You may want to include links to these resources in your course website.

    1. Student Conduct Code

      This applies to online learners as much as face-to-face students. We recommend that you include a link to the University of Hawai'i Systemwide Student Conduct Code - http://www.hawaii.edu/apis/ep/e7/e7208.pdf

    2. Distance Learning Overview
      This student-oriented site provides information on:
      • Types of distance learning courses
      • Distance learning contacts on each campus
      • Preparing for a distance learning course
      • Successful online oearner skills

    3. Multiple Learning Styles in an Online Course
      You may include this as part of your student orientation. This is a virtual "guest lecture" with distance learning expert Laura Summers brought to you by the makers of WebCT, a popular course management system. As students read this short article, they can think about how their own learning styles and study habits might influence their approach to this class.

    4. Online Etiquette AKA Netiquette

      A student is part of a community of learners and one responsibility as a member of the community is practicing appropriate behavior. Students need to know what constitutes appropriate behavior. Here are some good online resources regarding appropriate online behavior:

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