This Data Management Plan was created for a project that did not have data collection as a focus, rather that of creation of computing code.  Thanks to Dr. Garrett Apuzen-Ito for his generous sharing of this part of a successful NSF grant application, a continuing grant application through the NSF Earth Sciences Division.

Data Management Plan

Citcom is the base computational code that we will use and is already supported and made available to the general public through the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG,  Our version of this code has additional capabilities needed specifically for this project including a higher order in time integration scheme and melting of multiple material components.  We will therefore make our codes available upon request. We will also provide upon request our post-processing codes for computing melt composition and seismic velocities, input files for the published calculations, and our Paraview (open source graphics software) scripts for 3D visualization.  We will also offer our codes to be incorporated with Citcom at CIG.