Windward Community College
Center for Aerospace Education
University Student Launch Initiative 2009-2010
Leo Hano
The Voice of Authority & Respect
About CAE
Center for Aerospace Education
Windward Community College
Established in 1986, the Center for Aerospace Education (CAE) supports WCC's credit and community outreach programs in aerospace science. The mission of the CAE is to inspire students to actively engage in science activities through formal education and informal experiences, to explore career options in aerospace science and industry, and to become informed, contributing citizens by becoming science-literate.
The following facilities and services are offered by the CAE:
• Aerospace Exploration Lab
• Hokulani Imaginarium
• NASA Flight Training Aerospace Education Laboratory
• Lanihuli Observatory
• Hawai‘i Space Grant–Windward
The CAE serves over 12,000 visitors annually through these facilities. It also sponsors teacher workshops and offers consultation to students and teachers on aerospace education and science projects.
The goals of the CAE are to:
generate greater interest in careers in science and help facilitate the successful transition of students from high school to post-secondary institutions; and, increase the number of underserved students entering college who choose to major in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and have the skills necessary to successfully complete their higher education. help students develop high-tech skills to succeed in a knowledge-based global economy; increase enrollment and success of K-12 students in science, mathematics and technology courses in high schools; help students develop high-tech skills to succeed in a knowledge-based global economy.
For more information or to contact the Center for Aerospace Education at WCC please send all inquiries to:
Joseph Ciotti - CAE Director
Phone: 808-236-9111
To contact us:
Windward Community College
Center for Aerospace Education
Building: Hale Imiloa, Room 112
47-720 Keaahala Road
Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744
Phone: 808-347-8246
E-mail: Jake Hudson -