Geography 101













Temperate Biomes

  1. What controls the climate of temperate biomes?
  2. Where is each of the temperate biome types located?
  3. What are some characteristics of each temperate biome?

The climate of the midlatitudes is much more variable than the tropics. As the Earth orbits the Sun, the seasons alternate back and forth between the northern and southern hemisphere and plants must cope with sometimes extreme seasonal changes in temperature and moisture. In general, the temperate biomes of the midlatitudes have less species diversity than their tropical counterparts.

While the climate of the tropics is dominated by the ITCZ and subtropical High pressure centers, the midlatitude zones are dominated by the movements of air masses, as described in Chapter 6 -> Air Masses. Also, ocean currents moving in opposite directions on opposite sides of continents and mountain ranges can produce distinctly different climate and vegetation zones between east and west coasts. Look at North America in the map below, for example. The vegetation zones clearly vary more in an east-west direction than in the north-south direction, as was the case in the tropics.

temperate biomes map

Temperate Forests

deciduous forestTemperate deciduous forest dominates large tracts of the Eurasian and North American continents. Deciduous means that the trees lose their leaves during the cold, or sometimes dry, season. In colder climates, this helps prevent frost damage as trees "harden" their tissues for the coming winter. Broadleaf trees, like oak, elm, hemlock, maple, and beech, dominate these forests. They cover most of the eastern portions of North America and Asia, as well as most of Europe south of Scandinavia.

redwood forestThe wet western coasts of North and South America and most of New Zealand and Tasmania support temperate evergreen forest. These are dominated by coniferous species, such as redwood and fir, but also containing many broadleaf species. The climate of these areas is fairly stable year-round as onshore winds bring plenty of rain to the windward slopes of coastal mountain ranges and keep temperatures cool in summer and relatively warm in winter. It remains something of a mystery in biogeography why broadleaf forests dominate the eastern part of North America, while at the same latitudes, conifers dominate the west coast.

mediterranean shrub in californiaMediterranean biome, also called chaparral in California and maquis in Europe, occurs on the fringes of the Mediterranean Sea and in small patches on the west coasts of North and South America, Western Australia, and the southern tip of Africa. These areas have unusual climates with wet winters and long, dry summers (that's why Europeans head to the Med for their summer vacations). Other places in the world receive most of their rainfall in summer. Mediterranean biome consists of tough grasses, cacti and scattered, short trees like olive and scrub oak that are well adapted to drought and frequent fire. Many species, in fact, require wildfire to initiate seed germination. (NOTE: like the Mediterranean biome, Hawai'i is one of the few places on Earth to receive most of its rainfall in the winter months).

Temperate Grasslands

Toward the interior of continents in midlatitudes, rainfall becomes less dependable and climate becomes more continental (see Chapter 3 -> Heat). The climate becomes too dry to support continuous forest and grasses dominate. Unlike savannas, few trees grow to interrupt the horizon, giving enormous vistas of sky and grass. Huge swaths of grassland cover the interiors of the Americas and Asia. These areas are called by various names around the world, such as steppe in central Asia, veldt in South Africa, and prairie in North America.

tallgrass prairieThe wetter grasslands produce deep, black soils and include some of the richest agricultural land in the world, called tall grass prairie in North America and pampa in South America. Deeply rooted perennial grasses, such as Big Bluestem, originally covered these areas growing up to two meters high. The sod of these grasses was so tough that early American pioneers chopped it into bricks to build temporary cabins, called soddies. Today, most of the tall grass prairie has been plowed under and replaced with crops like corn and soybeans. Only a few small patches have been protected. asian steppe

In drier areas, short grass prairie dominates. The low growing grasses, such as Buffalo grass, can form a continuous layer, or in drier areas, form tufts separated by patches of bare soil. With relatively low fertility and limited rainfall, many of the short grass prairies have been converted to pasture for grazing cattle and sheep. Most of the Asian steppe is short grass prairie.

Temperate Deserts

Temperate deserts are the poleward extension of tropical deserts into the interiors of continents. The tropical deserts of North Africa and the Middle East, for example, extend north and east into the interior of Asia. These locations are dry, either because of mid-continental location, such as central Asia, or because they lie in the rainshadow of mountain ranges, such as California's interior deserts.

A cold winter season characterizes temperate deserts. Otherwise, they are similar to the tropical deserts in receiving less than 25 cm (10 inches) of rainfall per year and requiring the same plant and animal strategies for survival, with the additional requirement that they may have to endure freezing temperatures.


ToC | LIFE | Animals | Biomes | Tropics| Temperate | Cold | Hawai'i